Sizing Windows Terminology: When you first start HTML.edit, it opens into its own application window, also called the card window (as it is in HyperCard). You edit documents in a document window, which is enclosed within the HTML.edit application window. I'll try to stick to using “card window” and its enclosed “document window”. HTML.edit opens into its own window, and while it can contain up to 16 million documents, it displays one document at a time. The HTML.edit card window can be as large as 640H x 640V pixels, or can be set to a smaller size. This allows small and large screen users to resize the editor to best utilize screen resources, and is a little taller than the 480 pixels of previous versions. You'll probably spend less time fussing with the window size than you will reading this, but here goes… Sizing the Document Window Within the card window, dragging the document resize box (lower right of the document window) or clicking on the document zoom box (upper right of the document window) zooms the document to the current card window size. Most of the fields on the Index, Master Headers, Master Footers and Preferences cards will resize to fit the current card window size upon opening the card. Sizing the Card Window Using the Scroll Window To resize the card window using the Scroll Window, follow these steps: 1. Choose Scroll from the Windows menu (or press ⌘-E). The Scroll window appears: 2. Drag from any edge or corner of the rectangle to resize the card window. The white area represents the entire 640H x 640V card, the rectangle represents the card window, the current viewable area. To make the card window the same size as the card, you can either double-click inside the Scroll window or click the window’s zoom box. (If your screen is smaller than 640H x 640V, these actions make the card window about the same size as the screen.) To look at other parts of the card, follow these steps: 1. Open the Scroll window by choosing Scroll from the Windows menu (or pressing ⌘-E). 2. Use the hand inside the Scroll window to move the rectangle. (To constrain the scrolling to either horizontal or vertical movement, hold down the Shift key.) Sizing the Card Window Using the Zoom Box Note that you can option-drag on the document zoom box (not the card window’s zoom box but the one located on the document upper right) to resize the card window to several standard window sizes. Back to New Features, on to Index, or return to Contents.